
Megan died yesterday. She died while she was just starting Life. Tosh, her infant son was just being born. Jody, Megan’s husband of 1 year, and Caden, Megan’s son awaited the birth of Tosh with wonderful anticipation, and instead faced unexpected grief.

March 15 is Tosh’s birthday and the day his mommy died. Jody and Caden will always remember.

RIP Beautiful Mommy Megan. You will always be remembered.

Why, why, why?

About columbo1es

Female, aspiring writer. I've been writing my mothers memoirs for 4 years. First draft is complete. Holocaust Revelations is about the journey I took gathering and researching information world wide, and the relationships I formed trying to connect the dots to my mothers past.
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7 Responses to Why?

  1. parentingalive says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss. This is just devastating news. What a horrific loss. Sharing her name, it is even more personal to hear it.


  2. jewaicious says:

    I am so very sorry, Es, for you, for everyone. Horrible is not enough to express my thoughts and feelings. Hugs


  3. pastorscott2007 says:

    Please know that you, and the family, are in my prayers. Please know that although the process of moving from grief to celebration is never quick or easy, over time it does occur. You are in my prayers.

    God’s Blessing and Shalom, Pastor Scott Masters


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